July 4th and interesting magazine

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English: The first pics is about yesterday. We went to a beach to drink some wine with friends. But then we went to downtown to a party house to see the fireworks.

The other pics are because I was reading reading a magazine and I found this pics. They are Lindsay Lohan and Misha Barton when they was kids. They posed together for Kid's catalogue Caravan and also they posed for Calvin Klein kids' catalog. Are they born to be celebrities?
Español: Las primeras fotos son de ayer. Fuimos a una playa a beber algo de vino con los amigos. Pero después fuimos al centro a una fiesta a ver los fuegos artificiales.
Las otras fotos son porque estaba leyendo una revista y encontré estas fotos. Son Lindsay Lohan y Misha Barton cuando eran pequeñas. Posaron juntas para el catalogo infantil de Caravan, además posaron para Calvin Klein niños....Han nacido para ser famosas?